My Games

Currently Renting

This is where the games we despatch to you will appear. You can click on the link to view the manual if one is available.

Your Chosen Games

This section contains the games that you have chosen to rent. Once you have games in this list, our system will automatically take over and despatch your games according to whether you are on the free trial or your account is live, what package you are on etc.

Tip: Don’t forget to set your Service Option to your preferred setting (go to My Account)

We will send you an email confirmation each time we despatch or receive a game.

Coming Soon

This section contains the games that you have chosen to rent, that aren’t released as yet. When they are released, they will automatically move into Your Chosen Games.

How to Change Priority Order of your games

You can change the priority order of the games in your pipeline, simply by left-clicking on a title, then dragging it and dropping it into your preferred position. Press Update to save your changes once you are happy with them.

Tip: We will always try to send out the top priorities first, so please put the games you want to play most at the top. Your top priority should be number "1" and your next number "2" and so on.

When will you despatch my rentals?

We despatch daily (Monday – Saturday) from early afternoon.